Saturday, March 5, 2016

Dr. Nashon Walker sharing the heart beat of the HoodRISE Movement

Nashon Walker: Entrepreneur, Speaker & Co- Founder of HoodRISE Global, Inc.

Dr. Nashon Walker is a Music Creator, Community Solutionist & Empowerment Speaker.  Dr. Nashon is also the President & Founder of the Empowerment Center Worldwide, Inc a Social Solution Movement founded in 2014.  Dr. Nashon Walker is also the CEO/Founder of HoodRISE MUSIC, a music movement committed to producing a sound that lift urban communities of the world opposed to tearing them down.  Driven by a passion for results and true social transformation, Nashon begin to development change models based on his years of research, experience and unprecedented outcomes that his model achieved after being utilized in his mentor training programs for youth impacted by the urban/street culture.  Today, Dr. Walker is not only a global example of of transformation but is pioneering a new social solutionist movement for the urban culture.